
Guru Parulkar

Guru Parulkar is Executive Director of the Stanford Clean Slate Internet Design Program and has been a consulting professor of electrical engineering at Stnaford since 2007. At Stanford, Guru has helped create three large projects:
Open Programmable Extensible Networking (OPEN), Programmable Open Mobile Internet 2020 (POMI 2020), and (Stanford Experimental Data Center Laboratory (SEDL).

Before Stanford, Guru spent four years at National Science Foundation (NSF) and worked with the broader research community and NSF CISE team to champion and create programs such as GENI, Future Internet Design, and Network of Sensor Systems. He received NSF Director's award for Program Management excellence. Before NSF, Guru spent four years in Silicon Valley with successful and not-so-successful startups such as Growth Networks, Nevis Networks, Sceos (Ruckus Wireless), and Tenaya Networks. Guru received NEA's Entrepreneurship Award in 2001 for his work with Growth Networks.

Earlier, Guru was a professor of computer science and Director the Applied Research Laboratory at Washington
University in St. Louis, where he led research and prototyping of high-performance networking and multimedia systems, such as the virtual memory system of NetBSD and FreeBSD Unix, APIC gigabit network interface, router plug-in software, packet striping algorithms, multimedia on demand server and service, Real Time Upcall system for QoS for NetBSD, Congram-oriented Internetworking to get QoS and performance, IP and ATM integration, and others.

Guru is an holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Delaware, from which he has received an Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award and a Frank A. Pehrson Graduate Student Achievement Award.


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