
Alemsah Ozturk

Alemsah Ozturk, a self-proclaimed "gamer and dreamer," is CEO of 41? 29!, Turkey's leading creative digital marketing agency. Founded in 2007, 41?29! specializes in creating captivating and interactive advertising campaigns using advergames, viral videos, and other types of new social media. With its cuttingedge design and technology capabilities, 41?29! offers its clients unique and quantifiable opportunities to interact with their consumers and develop brand loyalty. The company's name originates from Istanbul's global coordinates at 41°N and 29°E.

In addition to 41?29!, Alemsah is CMO at Grupanya, a social shopping platform, Creative Director of Trendsetter magazine (fashion, style, and design), and founder of the nonprofit Likemind Istanbul, an advertising trade association.


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